At the Canadian Wealth Professional Awards (held in Toronto this past June), during one of the acceptance speeches, a younger advisor, who was employed by her parents at a leading investment dealer, made a comment that when clients ask about her experience and abilities, her reply is, “A baby shark is still a shark”.
These comments put a chill through our table and reassured us that the creation of Northland Wealth in June of 2011 was needed to protect families from the “sharks” in the industry who see investors as prey.
The vision and founding premise of Northland Wealth was to provide comprehensive investing advice and financial planning to families, while doing so in a transparent way that is free of compensation conflict such as trailer fees, spreads on bonds and underwriting fees.
Our view and unique approach did not go unnoticed that evening and we were again recognized for being a standout in our industry - Arthur Salzer was awarded Portfolio Manager of the Year.
As Northland Wealth celebrates its 5th Anniversary we wish to thank all our client families for the privilege of being able to serve you.